This is the second dish served during Slovak Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. (First one is “Oblatky s medom” (wafers with honey). It is said that it will make you rich, as many coins as the poppy seeds in the dish.
12 hot dog buns
1 1/2 cups milk
1/2 melted butter
100g icing sugar
150g popppy seeds
Hot dog buns
Industrius Slovak women made their own dough, however to speed things us I use store bought hot dog buns which need to be stale or dried in the oven on low heat so that they will soak up the milk
Poppy Seeds
Poppy seeds have to be ground so that they release the oils. I have tried all kinds of ways of griding them but the old fashioned poppy seed mill is the only one that gave the desired results.
- Cut the hog dog buns into one inch cubes
- Pour milk over the hot dog bun cubes
- Let the milk soak inot the buns for couple of minutes, then squees out most of the milk
- Melt the butter
- In a serving bowl start the layering process by putting the most buns on bottom, then sprinkle with poppy seeds, then sprinkle with icing suger, then add a few bablespoons of melted butter
- Repeat step 5 finishing with layer of icing suger and melted butter
- Cover with cling wrat and store in fridge until ready to serve
Note: The dish should be served at room temperature so take it out an hour or so before serving.